Yeah I don't think I will ever write here again but it feels nice to drop by once in a while. Every time I open my computer, I'll always open this tab don't know what for. It's not like I'm gonna update something - even if I'm going to, it will always goes back to draft. I don't know it just feels right...
Assalamalaikum ... hehehe First of all, gegambar ni berusia ... 2 bulan yang lalu. Punyala malas nak update kat blog sampai lama dah peram dalam fon. Ada banyak lagi collection gambo makanan yang aku simpan and nak post kat sini hermmmm tapi post ni lah dulu kikiki. Anyway ! Benda alah souffle pancake yang jiggly ni tak perlu dah aku nak intro kot....
Me and my besties have been craving dip n dip since our University days (which is like 4-5 years ago, was kinda popular that time) but we were never once ACTUALLY go eating there, only just passing by smh. So few weeks ago, we drop by their branch at IOI City Mall. So of course the typical Myra always ordered the popular ones,...
Many of us have heard about white rabbit ice cream coming to Malaysia. Like right now, there are many ice cream stores are making their own version of white rabbit ice cream, but I first saw it from Inside Scoop. Ever since, I have set my eyes on them ! I started finding them on IOI City Mall but by the time I...
Wow it's been like forever since I updated this blog lol. Okay so I am just gonna share about this delicious crepe cake that I tried at Vanilla Mille Crepe Cafe, Paradigm Mall. We're all lying if we never had a craving for a crepe cake from watching SAS ASMR videos every once in a while. One time I had one of their...