

food 11:51 PM
Hui ! Ah. Finally. I get to try the new roasted marshmallow s'mores (not so interested with key lime pie)  Not so new lah why the hell every new flavour comes out everytime I broke ?!  Nah. Not actually. Pernah jugak beli time broke. Broke is not an excuse for me to get a venti of frappe (what motivation is this) I always looking forward their...

My kind of favourite movie

lifestyle 4:27 PM
hey ! My kind of favourite movie is, the one that always get stuck in my head. Kind of movie that makes me like to think. That kind of movies that makes me so desperate to know the whole story of it so crystal clear that I read every single of it on Wikipedia and every article related about the movie (after watched...


random 7:48 PM
I am so mentally tired. ...