

1:17 PM

Salam gais

The Martian (2015) !! Movie yang tengah hot sekarang. 
Rilis date 1hb ke 2hb lepas entah. Guwa tak ingat muahaha
Aku nak sangat tengok cause i watched Interstellar before so i thought this one might be awesome too. Aku dapat tengok Isnin semalam sebab semalam je cuti ahahaaha. Tiket RM10 je ! Berderai air mata, walaupun terkejut beruk.

Overall, The Martian memang best. 
Jalan cerita tak meleret meleret and lembap. Berbaloi
Kalau tanya sesapa yang tengok pun, mesti kasik 7-8 out of 10.

Visual effect and anything, semua pawer and memuaskan.
Humor pun ada banyak diselitkan, i enjoyed ! :)
Lagu lagu zaman 80s and 90s something pun ade hahaha

Yang aku bengang time halfway there, boleh plak nak terkucil. Padahal aku dah prepare. Memang aku carutz @#$%^& je ondeway ke toilet tu haha SAKIT HATI LA WEI nak terlepas even 2 3 second pun blergh. Ermmm

So ! Okay. This is pretty ... nerve wrecking moment for me. 

Let me be the one who different.

Interstellar is better than The Martian. 

Itu bagi pandangan akulah. 
Kalau ada yang terluka teruk tu silalah ubati sendiri ye. Meh
Ya, i came from parallel universe. Sebab kalau tengok review memana pun, The Martian Vs Interstellar pun, takde pun yang kata Interstellar lagi better. 

Happy ending is always good. Everybody wants that. I just don't like a cliché happy ending. So I'll stick with Interstellar. That's all. Nuff said.

I know The Martian lebih logik akal berbanding Interstellar. Aku tak kata The Martian tak best, best okay !! It just the way it tells the ending. Like ooo okay orang tu bercinta, then ada something yang memisahkan they both then at the end they will always get together back somehow. Kalau boleh macam cerita bunuh2, aku pun nak happy ending, it just aku lagi suka bukan happy ending terus, tapi terus tetiba ada plot twist yang a lil bit f*cked up. haha

BUT ! I still want you to know that The Martian juga harus korang tengok.
I know you'll like it :)

Okayy so Point Break ni movie-must-watch kami lepasni. 
Release Disember ni. Am excited walaupun bulan 12 keluo. lol
Hunger Game : Mocking Jay (Part 2) pon aku eksaited. Tapi bile keluo eh T_T

Ciao ! 
Jangan nangis and kecewa dengan entri aku hari ni :P

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1 komen

  1. nak tengok kat panggung memang xdpt lah.. This is Kota Bharu.. haha.. singgah santai dr Kelate.:)


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