Hey guys First of all, I really love this song ! I first discovered this on Spotify and quickly add to my playlist. It's called Alaska by Maggie Rogers. The chorus part is amazing ! The whole song, just so beautiful for me. You can Google about her later cause I don't wanna write an essay here Like what Pharrel Williams said, "I've never...
Hey guys ! Dayyyum Myra back at it again with her movie reviewwwww So last night I just watched Now You See Me 2 (it's the premiere). Yay ! Time for a little review from me and here's a summary version of me Summary : Kesinambungan dari NYSM yang first, now Horsemen terpaksa sembunyikan diri dekat setahun untuk tunggu arahan seterusnya dari Dylan...
Hey guys ! As usual, I always looking forward for Starbucks new flavour. And bagi penggemar coklat macam iols ni, memang boleh jadi gila bila tengok dua spesis ni di releasekan Left : Chocolate Black Tea Right : Chocolate Green Tea hakak stabak dah hafal nama i. takyah sebut dah hahaha Chocolate Black Tea : Rasa dia okaylah. So so, yang kat bottom dia...