Since tomorrow's gonna be 2018. Here's my last post for 2017. I couldn't think anything better to share, hope this entry is okay for it. So here's 14 movies that I watched in 2017. Guess I don't go to cinema often this year. 1) Get Out Unexpected twist. Not original but nicely done. Recommended if you like mind-twisting thriller. Read my review here...
Oooh yasss. Akhirnya dapat jugak merasa benda ni. Aku first ingat dia letak 'Party' sebab ada surprise filling yang best2 ke apa ke rupanya untuk share and aku macam ... K Sebelum mix Lepas dah mix Ada serpihan oreo dengan strawberry syrup (dengan buah dia sekali) Siot aku rasa syrup aku tu patut dia tambah lebih sikit doh Sebagai penggila aiskrim, of course...