Not all girls like the red lipstick color but red is the color that I love the most. I mean, some of girls will wear it but only in specific occasion. I have a phase where I love nude lipstick color (it was wayy back then) and even the darkest one ! I used to hate red lipstick but here I am, wearing...
Good morning people ! I just watched Doctor Strange on earlier Monday, and I guess I have my final words for it. It took a little time to write this. I really hope my review is worth your time ! (only for the movie lover I GUESS) Synopsis : Marvel's "Doctor Strange" follows the story of the talented neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a tragic...
Holla ! Got freaked out my red lipstick almost ran out so I came drop by at Guardian last night. Finally I manage to grab this Matte Junkie Lip Cream from Silkygirl. I picked the Code 05 (Vixen) since it's the only one in red color. I don't have to worry that Retro (01) and Vintage (04) always ran out of stock every single...
Hi folks ! I make my blog public again ha (after make it private for few days). My blog posts became double now and I will fix it later. Everything in this blog is messed up and I miss to write here. So let's just proceed with the entry title today. Glass Animals | Youth I love this one from Glass Animals. I...
Selamat petang ! It's a little late review. Before movie ni keluar aku memang ada cadang nak tengok kat cinema, but tak jadi atas sebab tertentu haha so aku prefer tengok online je. Sinopsis : Vee (Emma Roberts) join game online ala-ala Truth Or Dare yang dinamakan Nerve setelah rasa tercabar dengan kawan baik dia. But setiap mission yang dia buat dia akan...
Hi folks #MYCyberSale is gettin' so crazy, pretty intense and ... it's already over. More like Black Friday in Malaysia (only it happens online) So this time I did a little damage on In case you aren't familiar with, it's an online shopping where you can browse skincares, makeup, bath products and anything related to it -- mostly with affordable prices. Okay...
Hey guys ! Kalini baru ada chance nak buat entry pasal Samyang Spicy Noodles ni. I don't really bother sangat with those challenge videos because I only appreciate benda alah ni sebab sedap gila ! Aku ni bukan peminat family mee sangat but this one memang dabomb. Buat aku tidur tak lena. Masa first try tu, memang pedas gila nak mampus lah cerita...
Hey guys ! Stay right there girls cuz I'm gonna talkin' bout this awesome and affordable liquid lipstick. I am not doing any long intro so let's just jump into Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip packaging first. Overall I love the packaging. Simple yet dope (oh the hologram things there) Okay I forgot to mention that I'm too late for taking these photos !...
Hey guys ! All of those makeup stuffs but I only had a massive love towards lippie stuff, especially liquid lipstick. This time I'm gonna make a short review about Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick. I had this one on Eid Day last month. Sorry it's kinda bit late for a review ! Sorry I forgot to take the photo of its...
Hey guys. Well okay I'm back again. That was fast Harini just nak share current favourite song je. The video was released around May lepas oh how I feel bad about this sebab terlambat tahu lagu ni haha. I know it's not the popular one but y'all know there are always a bunch of underrated songs. Sad Love the song and the video...
Hi guys ! Every girls need a notebook ! But ada certain tak suka dengan cover notebook sendiri. Contohnya macam aku ni lah. Kalau cover tak cantik, aku pon takde mood nak guna hahaha. Notebook aku suka beli kat Daiso. Comel-comel ! Yang bawah ni jenis yang selalu aku beli. Sebab size and ketebalan dia just ok. Aku suka Selalu standard size cover...