
List of 2017 Movies That I Watched

movie 8:38 PM
Since tomorrow's gonna be 2018. Here's my last post for 2017. I couldn't think anything better to share, hope this entry is okay for it. So here's 14 movies that I watched in 2017. Guess I don't go to cinema often this year. 1) Get Out  Unexpected twist. Not original but nicely done. Recommended if you like mind-twisting thriller. Read my review here...

McFlurry Party

food 8:08 PM
Oooh yasss. Akhirnya dapat jugak merasa benda ni. Aku first ingat dia letak 'Party' sebab ada surprise filling yang best2 ke apa ke rupanya untuk share and aku macam ... K Sebelum mix  Lepas dah mix Ada serpihan oreo dengan strawberry syrup (dengan buah dia sekali) Siot aku rasa syrup aku tu patut dia tambah lebih sikit doh Sebagai penggila aiskrim, of course...

Spicy Chicken McDeluxe : Pedas Sangat Ke ?

food 9:15 PM
Hi fellas ! Actually aku tak tau nak post apa kat blog ni lately ... so aku post jelah gambar makanan.  Nak review movie Happy Death Day dengan Flatliners tapi aku malas nak berfikir. Okay kali ni pasal Spicy Chicken McDeluxe. Dari hari tu lagi nak try, but semalam barulah dapat lol. Ada lagi 1 yang Double Spicy Ciken McDeluxe but macam lagi mahal...

Mother! (2017) Movie Review : An Honest Review & Why People Hate It

movie 2:22 PM
I just watched mother! on its premier last Thursday and the hall literally only had like 6 people including me. Even with F in Cinemascore and bad reviews everywhere, that doesn't stop me to watch it in cinema. I watch what I wanna watch OK ? If you are dead serious to decide whether to watch mother! or not, please bore yourself with...

Off Day With Spaghetti Bolognese

food 2:50 PM
I'm craving for spaghetti on my off day (Last Monday) so I made one. The best spaghetti bolognese you will ever had is always the homemade one. Not saying I can make the better one, but to point out that at least you can make it according to your liking. Plus the preparation for it just easy as ABC. I believe all my...

Freebies Doodle : Cutie Hijabi Girl In Bawal

Blogging 7:56 PM
Happy Saturday  ! Dah bertahun tak buat freebies doodle. Ingat macam nak give up je men-doodle ni. But tetiba teringat dalam tahun ni jugakla ada sis ni pm Facebook aku, dia save untuk buat punch card kelas anak dia, then budak Yus guna untuk sticker cookies and one day dia gitau ada 1 doodle ni orang guna untuk buat soalan ulangkaji dalam newspaper....